Hi, i'm Leonardo. I write stuff like
git commit -m "@ts-ignore added"
For non-programmers, you could say "Hey, TypeScript, just shut up!"
Last projects
Rievocandum website
2024 Q1
I bulit the website of a medieval festival in italy called Rievocandum. For the tech stack i used nextJs reactJs typescript and tailwind.

RESTful API system to manage OracleDB queries and procedures.
2023 Q4
I developed a Node.js application with Express.js that exposes RESTful APIs to handle SQL query and PL/SQL procedures on an OracleDB . The API uses the Oracle Instant Client libraries (node-oracleDB) for connectivity and authentication. It can be used to interact with OracleDB databases from any web browser or client application.

Full stack developer in a joint-stock company (SPA) that deals with research on animal productions. I am responsible for developing web applications related to this field.
full-stack developer (Self-employed)
Full stack developer with expertise in crafting robust web applications.